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Masterpiece Studios


International Graphics shares Taylor Corporation’s commitment to environmental responsibilities and socially responsible practices in its business conduct.

Our Approach

International Graphics shares its commitment to sustainability by following a three-pronged approach grounded in responsible sourcing, recycling and resource management.

Sustainability Scorecard

International Graphics is committed to maintaining high standards by serving as responsible managers of natural resources, being good corporate citizens, and protecting the health and safety of our employees, clients, and visitors. Each year we plan sustainability-minded projects and then grade ourselves on the progress made.

Corporate Social Responsibility Report

We’re committed to operating our business in a sustainable manner and making it easy for our customers and employees to make a difference as it relates to the environment. In this report, we record our achievements during the previous year.

Environmental, Health & Safety Policy

PolicyWe function and maintain as a responsible manager of natural resources in everything we do. Be it the materials and methods utilized to serve our customers or choices made in operating our facilities, they are guided with mindful awareness. A sense of responsibility for the conservation of natural resources and the health and safety of employees, customers, vendors and visitors is at the heart of our company policy.